The Konik Blueprint Podcast is for curious professionals in architecture, engineering, and manufacturing disciplines. Your hosts, Jen Fitzke and Tom Goettl bring over 40 years of combined technical recruiting experience in the Minneapolis, MN area and will share their perspectives on what it takes to advance your career. Special guests will include technical leaders, professionals, and internal staff. We aim to positively impact people’s lives by sharing insights that will enable professionals to advance their technical careers! Lean more about us at Koniknetwork.com!

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Need advice on negotiating a higher comp package? Need pointers on technical interview prep? How do you navigate the resignation conversation?
This episode comes packed with actionable advice from technical job market veterans Jen Fitzke and Tom Goettl. They've seen (almost) everything during their combined 50+ years of experience and love sharing what they've learned to help you advance your career and life goals!
Brought to you by Konik, an engineering, manufacturing, and architecture firm, The Konik Blueprint podcast covers:
• Job market update
• Interview process trends for 2023
• Prepare to ace the interview
• Negotiate a higher salary, PTO, and benefits
• The resignation letter and conversation
Follow our podcast on LinkedIn and our career site and elevate your technical career!

Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
While the job market for engineering and architecture professionals remains robust, macroeconomic indicators signal a potential slowdown.
Navigate the changing environment and grow your career regardless of what may come with our latest episode: “Career Strategies for Uncertain Times Part II”
Jen and Tom give their insights and perspectives on this timely topic for professionals at all levels!
Our expert hosts will cover:
• Technical Job Market Update!
• How to safeguard your career from adversity
• Foster growth for the months and years ahead
This podcast is brought to you by Konik, a technical recruiting firm focusing on engineering, manufacturing, and architecture positions in the Midwest. Find out more at www.koniknetwork.com

Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Define Your Career Mindset! Career Strategies for Uncertain Times Part I!
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
While the job market for engineering and architecture professionals remains robust, macroeconomic indicators signal a potential slowdown.
Navigate the changing environment and grow your career regardless of what may come during our LinkedIn Live event, “Career Strategies for Uncertain Times Part I!” This three-part series will focus on ways to grow your career through the years ahead!
Konik Expert Hosts Jen Fitzke and Tom Goettl give their insights and perspectives on this timely topic for professionals at all levels!
Our expert hosts will cover:
• Technical Job Market Update!
• How to set your Career Mindset and grow your career!
• What to consider when entering the job market during changing times!
Leverage our expertise and elevate your career with Konik Hosts!
Jen Fitzke, Recruiting Lead, brings 25 years of manufacturing and building engineering recruiting experience working with candidates, hiring managers, and HR leaders! She loves helping people thrive with helpful advice, commentary, and time-tested strategies to make the most of your career!
Tom Goettl, President, loves discussing the job market and technology trends and giving career advice that helps people realize their biggest goals. His career has focused on technical positions, including engineering, manufacturing, and architecture!
Konik is a technical recruiting company focused on architecture, engineering, and manufacturing roles in the Midwest. We're the fastest and easiest link between talent and the area's best companies!

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Health and Benefits Trends to Attract and Retain Your Talent!
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Welcome to the 25th episode of the Konik Blueprint Podcast!
As companies start planning for 2023, health and benefits plans are a primary concern that helps their employees thrive and retains and attracts a company's greatest resource.
What's important to employees and candidates has greatly changed since the start of the pandemic. Have your benefits adapted to these new priorities?
We have an expert guest with us to help answer this very question. Greg Haffely, SVP, Employee Health & Benefits at Marsh McLennan Agency stopped by the Konik Blueprint Podast, recorded on LinedIn Live! We take a deep dive into what leading employers are changing to keep up with employees changing needs.
We cover:
What are the latest Employee Health and Benefit trends?
What are successful companies offering to take care of their people?
How to best attract and retain a diverse workforce with your health and benefits plan?
You'll gain:
*Expert insights into health and benefits trends of leading companies
*2023 healthcare cost projections
*Align Diversity and Inclusion goals to your benefit plans
*Effective Mental Health Initiatives
About Greg:
Greg brings over 14 years of expertise from Marsh McLennan Agency, a global health and benefits leader. With a background in recruiting and staffing, he brings a personalized approach that offers great value to his audience with real-time insights and best practices.
Connect with Greg!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greghaffely/
Email: greg.haffely@marshmma.com

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Minnesota’s Changing Workforce | Where have all the candidates gone?
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Are you prepared for our rapidly changing workforce?
Curious how lower college enrollment and higher retirement projections will impact your growth plans?
Listen to a special episode with Minnesota's Senior Demographer, Megan Dayton!
Gain fresh insight into demographic trends that affect every Minnesota company and update your department and organization's hiring strategy!
About the expert:
Megan Dayton is a very engaging presenter and a Senior Demographer at Minnesota's State Demographic Center. Since 2012, she has prepared demographic projections for the State of Minnesota, 13 Economic Development Regions, and 87 counties. In this role, Megan is Minnesota's state representative to the Federal-State Cooperative Program for Population Projections (FSCPP) with the U.S. Census Bureau.
Her research interests include improving existing data modeling techniques for state and sub-state areas, social stratification, and general demographic trends. She has hands-on knowledge of social and economic realities and recent demographic shifts. Her work engages an attentive approach to relating current demographic trends with the resulting likelihoods.
Megan holds a master's degree in applied demography from the Center for Demography and Population Health at Florida State University.
Sponsored by Konik, a technical recruiting company focused on engineering, manufacturing, and architecture positions in the midwest. Learn more at www.koniknetwork.com

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
What’s Up With The Engineering Job Market?
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Welcome to the 23rd episode of The Konik Blueprint!
Hosts Jen Fitzke, Recruiting Lead, and Tom Goettl, President, chat about the changing economy and its impact on the job market! We take a deep dive into the overall demand for engineering, manufacturing, and architecture talent. Jen Fitzke shares her deep insights from over twenty years of Midwest engineering recruitment experience.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- How is the engineering job market this summer
- What to expect when entering the job market
- How to decide if it’s the right time for you
Konik is a technical recruiting company focused on architecture, engineering, and manufacturing positions in the Midwest.
Connect with Jen:
Addditional Resources:

Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Supply chain expert Emily LeVasseur stopped by the Konik Blueprint Podcast with hosts Jen Fitzke and Tom Goettl for a great conversation on "What's to come in supply chain 2022-2023"!
This fascinating conversation illuminates what's to come with supply chain disruptions and what your company can do to mitigate risks and capitalize on the chaos that's still to come!
Are continued supply chain disruptions creating chaos for your company?
Could you use the timely, expert insight into what lies ahead in the supply chain and how to create opportunities?
Are you concerned about being overstocked as the market turns?
Listen in to tackle all these issues and opportunities to grow your business!
About our Guest:
Emily brings 16 years of supply chain expertise including 14 years with Cargill in a variety of roles.
In 2020, she co-founded Waypost Advisors, a supply chain consultancy focusing on mid-market businesses.
Konik is a technical recruiting firm focused on engineering, manufacturing, and architecture positions in the Midwest!
Show Notes:

Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Grow Your Personal Identity and Career with LinkedIn Whisperer Anne Pryor!
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Gain expert advice on how to tell and live your authentic story to work joyfully!
Listen in to a special episode with LinkedIn Whisperer, Anne Pryor!
Discover why personal identity building is critical for your career and personal development and easy steps to get started!
In this engaging conversation, you'll:
• Understand the difference between Personal Identity and Personal Branding
• Develop your personal identity regardless of career tenure
• Learn how introverts can overcome hesitations to build their unique personal identity
• Be able to balance priorities of personal identity building with your very busy lives
About our Special Guest:
Anne Pryor is a top globally recognized LinkedIn Authority, known as the “LinkedIn Whisperer” she is a master at facilitating meaningful connections. She specializes in LinkedIn - creating online strategies, and coaching on thought leadership for c-level executives, business owners, recruiters, attorneys, and sales and marketing executives.
Anne has been featured in numerous books and is a frequent keynote speaker at corporate events, association meetings, and events in-person and online. Her philosophy is “what happens to you happens to me; we are here to do our greatest good and we need each other to do so.”https://media-exp2.licdn.com/dms/document/C562DAQEqaxRgx5E04Q/profile-treasury-document-pdf-analyzed/0/1655342232197?e=1657152000&v=beta&t=6YMe4QwgRnKuds0om6jcJDz1etmuSyrr-FEAntUuLiE
Anne Pryor is a top globally recognized LinkedIn Authority, known as the “LinkedIn Whisperer” she is a master at facilitating meaningful connections. She specializes in LinkedIn - creating online strategies, and coaching on thought leadership for c-level executives, business owners, recruiters, attorneys, and sales and marketing executives.

Friday Jun 03, 2022
How to Attract and Retain a Team of Problem Solvers to Grow Your Company!
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Welcome to the Konik Blueprint Podcast! How to Attract and Retain a Team of Problems Solvers to Grow Your Business! Our impactful conversation with Kirby Sneen, President of the Manufacturers Alliance, a 500+ member organization focusing on leadership development and fostering company growth! In this insightful conversation, you’ll learn:
Konik is a technical recruiting and staffing company focused on engineering, manufacturing and architecture. Find out more at www.koniknetwork.com |

Thursday May 19, 2022
Career Strategies with Expert, Sol Rosenbaum, PE, CEM!
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
KONIK PRESENTS The Konik Blueprint LinkedIn Live Podcast!
Sol Rosenbaum, PE, CEM, aka, The Engineering Mentor, joins the Konik Blueprint Podcast for an insightful and entertaining conversation around careers advice, leadership tips, and engineering workplace trends!
Tune in for a great conversation and great Q&A session around career and leadership with Sol, Jen, and Tom!
We cover Networking for Introverts, Is College Really Worth It?, and Salaries on Job Ads!
About Our Guest, Sol Rosenbaum, PE, CEM:
Founder of theengineeringmentor.com
Energy Engineer for 20 years
Master's Degree, Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University